Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Is the Queer Quads Grass Volleyball League reverse? What is the height of the net?

The Quads Grass Volleyball league is not reverse. Any four players regardless of gender are able to play at once on the court. We will be very intentional at forming and scheduling team matches based on level. The net height is 7’11” (2.43meters).

Can I receive a refund?

Yes, you may receive a full refund for the beach league before March 31, 2024. There will be no refunds past that date for the Spring league.

A player I registered in my team roster dropout, can I replace that player?

Yes, you may replace any player in your roster. Once the league starts any additional (non-league) players would have to pay a small fee to play.

Will we still play if it rains during the beach or grass volleyball leagues?

Yes, the league will take place rain or shine. Cancellation will only occur if there is lightning, an extreme weather event, or the staff becomes sick.